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Vertical means up or down, horizontal means left or right (or forward or backwards, but without changing the altitude).

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9mo ago

Vertical acceleration is the rate of change of velocity moving up or down, while horizontal acceleration is the rate of change of velocity moving left or right. Vertical acceleration is affected by gravity, while horizontal acceleration is typically due to external forces like friction or thrust.

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Is longitude horizontal?

Lines of longitude are vertical but they measure horizontal distance(In degrees,not kilometers or miles)between Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) and you so the lines are vertical,not horizontal. However,longitude measures horizontal distance,not vertical distance.

Discuss the concepts of horizontal and vertical conflict as they relate to Zara?

Horizontal conflict occurs between same-level, direct competitors, while vertical conflict arises between different levels of the supply chain. In the context of Zara, horizontal conflict might involve competition with fast fashion retailers like H&M, while vertical conflict could occur between Zara and its suppliers or downstream retail partners if there are disagreements over pricing, delivery schedules, or quality standards. Zara's unique approach to vertical integration helps to minimize potential vertical conflicts by allowing greater control over its supply chain and production processes.

What is the difference between a rock layer and a rock column?

A rock layer refers to a horizontal sheet of rock of uniform composition and age, whereas a rock column is a vertical arrangement of different rock layers stacked on top of each other. Rock columns provide a vertical perspective of the geologic history of an area, while rock layers offer a horizontal view.

What is the function of theodolite parts?

The main function of theodolite parts such as the telescope, level, and horizontal and vertical circles is to measure and track angles in both horizontal and vertical planes. These parts work together to help surveyors and engineers accurately determine angles and distances between points on a site or landscape.

Is contour interval and vertical interval equal?

Yes, contour interval and vertical interval are the same thing. They both refer to the vertical spacing between contour lines on a topographic map, representing the difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines.

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What is the difference between horizontal growth and vertical growth?

horizontal grows wide, and vertical grows up

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal lines?

vertical lines run from top to bottom, horizontal lines run from left to right the difference between the two is 90 degrees if you place vertical lines next to horizontal lines.

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical motion?

Horizontal motion refers to movement along the x-axis, while vertical motion refers to movement along the y-axis. In horizontal motion, the speed and acceleration are typically constant, while in vertical motion, the influence of gravity causes changes in speed and acceleration. Both types of motion can occur simultaneously in two-dimensional motion.

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal alignment?

In TextAlign, the difference between vertical and horizontal alignment is which way you align something. Horizontal alignment is set by aligning to the center, right, or left and vertical alignment is set by aligning to the top, bottom, or middle of a cell.

What is the difference between horizontal shaft and vertical?

XXXXXXXXX=Horizontal X X X X X X X=Vertical.

What is the difference between rows and columns?

Rows are horizontal and columns are vertical.

What is the difference between horizontal forms and vertical forms of balance sheet?

vertical is strait up and down and horizontal is across (strait across)

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical?

Vertical is up and down and horizontal is side to side. Think of the horizon, it is a line and horizontal has the same root. In fact, one definition of horizontal is parallel to or in the plane of the horizon.

What is the difference between the utricle and saccule in the ear?

They both provide information about changes in velocity when travelling either horizontally or vertically. However, the utricle is more sensitive to horizontal acceleration , whereas the saccule is more sensitive to vertical acceleration.

What is the Difference between horizontal and vertical engine?

Vertical engines produce more power than horizontal engines and horizontal engine has less power than vertical engines and horizontal engines are especially designed for better mileage Not sure about mileage but the big difference is vertical shaft goes like this | and the horizontal shaft goes like this ---- . > Lower centre of gravity.