Would your car be a unsecured priority?
"Unsecured priority" refers to a type of debt. It means (1) that
there is no lien guaranteeing (securing) the debt, and (2) that the
Bankruptcy Code gives it priority over other unsecured debts for
public policy reasons--in other words a priority debt gets paid
before non-priority debts. So, a car cannot be unsecured priority,
because it is an asset and not a debt. If you are asking whether
you can protect your car in bankruptcy, that is a different
question, and the answer depends on the exemption laws in your
state. If you obtained a loan to purchase the car, then that loan
is most likely secured by the car (i.e. there is a lien), and you
cannot remove the lien unless the value of the car is below the
current loan amount and you purchased your car more than 910 days
before you file for bankruptcy. For more info, take a look at the
link below.
The above is provided for informational purposes only. It is not
intended as legal advice, and does not create an attorney-client