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An octopus is more aggressive but , doesn't sting.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Sea Anemone stick to a surface and has stingers. Jellyfish float around in the water and have stickers.

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12y ago

The most commonly difference between them two is their defense . Jellyfishes can sting us while squids only squirts ink

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13y ago


When people refer to "Jellies", they are talking about Jellyfish.

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9y ago

They're invertebrates.

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Q: What is the difference between squid and jellyfish?
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What is the difference between the octopus and the jellyfish?

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A jellyfish is a marine creature. A guitar is a musical instrument.

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seaweed and jellyfish.

What is the biggest threat to jellyfish?

Jellyfish are eaten by squid. I believe that this is the biggest threat that they face.

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What way does a squid swim?

it pushes its squid arm things up and doun like a jellyfish

How do squids get nutrients?

Squid eat a lot of jellyfish.

Is a jellyfish deadlier than a squid?

Some of them are, yes.

What eats crabs and jellyfish?

Squid of various types.

What will eat a jellyfish?

Other jellyfish, Turtles, Squid, the Bearded Goby fish, and sometimes Man.