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Its different because indoor Netball is more cooler but outdoor is still a bit the same its just to get air for the players .And when its cold the players need to get more hard rock so to be more numb and get harder to play.

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14y ago

Primary schools often play hi 5 netball which is the same as 7 netball but only 5 are on court. They do this so children learn where each position can go. In 7 netball you only have 1 place but in 5 netball you switch positions every quarter. 7 netball is usually played for an hour although hi 5 netball is only 20 minutes.

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Basketball and Netball are usually played as an indoor sport, however yes they can also be played outside.

What is the different between netball and basketball?

The difference between basketball and netball is that in basketball you can take more than 2 steps and dribble up the court, but in netball the most amount of steps you can take is 2 and you are put in certain positions. Another difference is that netball is played in thirds and basketball in halves.

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A label.

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I think the difference is in the rubber on the cleats. You can find them on this website You can also try

What is the difference between indoor and outdoor marijuana?

None! Unless the grower doesn't know what he is doing.

What is the difference between soccer and netball?

Netball is a women's sport while basketball is a sport for men. Well whoever answered this question is obviously sexist. I am a woman and have played both netball and basketball. They are 2 entirely different sports.