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Needs are the things you require in order to maintain life. Expectations are things you want or things you think you should have.

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Q: What is the difference between needs and expectations?
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What is the difference between customer needs and customer expectations?

the differenece is that customer needs mean when they need stuff or help with doing something, but a customer expectation is when the customer has everything and dont need help with anything like a customer need!.

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Observations the best way to monitor change in their needs and expectations. Watching how someone acts will help you now if their needs or expectations are changing.

What is the difference between need and needs?

The difference between need and needs is simple. A need is a singular thing that is needed. Needs is when there is more than one thing that is needed.

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expectation is what we wish things to be, reality is what they tun out to be.

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A knowledge gap refers to the difference between what is known and what needs to be known in a particular subject or area. It highlights areas where information or understanding is lacking or where more research or learning is needed to fill in the missing pieces. Identifying knowledge gaps is important for guiding future study and helping to advance knowledge in a field.

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the difference is a rarefaction needs vibration i believe i'mnot sure

What is the difference between special educational needs and disability?

There is no difference between special education needs and disability. The difference lies in the types of special education services needed to help the student with the disability succeed in the least restrictive environment possible.