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Imperialism is a policy and involves a big nation conquering smaller nations to increase its wealth and power. Communism is a form of government, wherein everyone is equal, no true head of government exists, and everyone serves to help one another, instead of selling each other goods with economic greed in mind. Communism has never existed in this true form on a large scale, as most attempts have ended with a dictator at the top. Imperialism, on the other hand, was rampant for centuries, mostly at the hands of Spain and Britain.

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Q: What is the difference between imperialism communism?
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The date my good man, is the difference. Look for the events taking place between the years NOT imperialism before you begin to look for the difference.

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It can be considered a form of imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of extending a power or influence over other nations, while containment is the policy of preventing the spread of communism. For the U.S., communism was a threat to their economy and government, and as a result, their efforts to stop communism would benefit both other nations and the U.S. themselves, which would increase their power. The fact that the U.S. was able to influence the governments and events of other nations to prevent communism also shows imperialism.

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