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A database is a collection of tables that is used for some purpose (typically an application of some sort). A database model is a description of that database, and describes how the tables relate to each other. Typically, a model is designed first, then the actual database is implemented using the model as a blueprint.

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data base is collection of information and data model is a previews data

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Q: What is the difference between data model and database model?
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Contrast of database and database system?

A database is simply a collection of pieces of information (data). A text file storing names and phone numbers is a database. A database management system (DBMS) is some software that manages the data within the database such as MySQL. Both the software and the database are considered together when thinking of a DBMS.

What is the difference between a stored database procedure and a batch of SQL statements submitted by a client application?

Stored procedures prevent unauthorized access to data

What is the difference between a programming language and a database?

Programming language is to develop an application where a database is a place at which we can store the data about any objects and a software which maintains this database is called DBMS.

Why relational database approach is better than earlier method?

Relational model helps in logical relation between two dimensional tables . It maintains data integrity and eliminates data redundancy. Earlier methods involved redundant set of data for maintaining relations between set of data.

What is difference between object and entity?

A database object is represented as one of the following: database, schema, table, column, primary key, and foreign key A database Entity is: An entity is a thing or object of importance about which data must be captured. All things aren't entities - only those about which information should be captured. Information about an entity is captured in the form of attributes and/or relationships. If something is a candidate for being an entity and it has no attributes or relationships, it isn't an entity. Database entities appear in a data model as a box with a title. The title is the name of the entity.

Related questions

What is the difference between data model and schema in database?

As I understand it, a database schema is a physical entity, it describes the structure of exactly how the data is stored and is itself stored by DBMS for reference. Data model, on the other hand, is an abstract representation of database.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of network data model?

Network data model is just like a normal database model. In network model the data is seen as related to each other by links. Or we can say the relation between the data is represented by links.

What is the difference between database and database administrator?

Database is the data stored in the server and Database administrator is the person who designs the database.

Difference between database and relational database explain with example?

Database = Generic name for a system to store data Relational Database = A specific type of database that utilizes relationships between data to not only store the data but further its efficiency in its manipulation.

Difference between logical database and physical database?

A logical database refers to the conceptual schema or model of data relationships and structures, independent of how data is stored or accessed. On the other hand, a physical database involves the actual implementation of the database on a specific hardware system, detailing how data is stored and accessed. The logical database design focuses on the organization of data, while the physical database design focuses on optimizing performance and storage efficiency.

What is the difference between flat-file model and database model?

The flat-file model stores data in a single table or file without any relationships between tables. In contrast, the database model organizes data into multiple interrelated tables with defined relationships, providing more flexibility, security, and scalability. Databases also offer features like data integrity enforcement, concurrency control, and support for complex queries.

What are the difference between hierarchical database and network database?

Hierarchical databases organize data in a tree-like structure with parent-child relationships and a strict one-to-many hierarchy, while network databases use a more flexible model with many-to-many relationships through pointers or links between records. Hierarchical databases are faster for accessing data along predefined paths, while network databases allow for more complex data relationships but can be more complex to manage.

What are the Classification of data model?

Data models can be classified into three main categories: conceptual data model (high-level view of the data and its relationships), logical data model (detailed structure of the data and relationships), and physical data model (implementation of the database design on a specific database management system).

Is there a difference between a database and a data capture form?

Yes, there is a difference. A database is a structured collection of data organized for easy access and manipulation, while a data capture form is a tool used to input data into a database. The form collects information that is then stored in the database for further processing and analysis.

Difference between database and relational database?

A database is a collection of data organized for easy access and manipulation, while a relational database is a type of database that stores data in a structured format using tables that are related to each other through keys. In a relational database, data is organized into rows and columns, and relationships between tables can be established using keys.

What is difference between data dictionary and database schema?

A data dictionary is a collection of metadata about the data elements in a database, where as, a database schema is a design blueprint for how data is structured and organized within a database. The data dictionary describes the data, while the schema defines how the data is stored.

How does data modelling lead to the design of a database?

The data model identifies the objects/entities involved in the application and the relationships between them. From that, the ER diagram is solidified and this forms the basis of the database design.