Step by step, summary, recap, rundown, or plot line. Those words mean synopsis.
A synopsis is a brief summary that outlines the main events and key points of a story. It provides an overview of the plot, characters, and themes. Essentially, a synopsis gives a high-level overview of the story without delving into all the details present in the actual narrative.
It is a fictional story. You can read a plot summary and synopsis at the Related Link below.
A summary is the brief happenings of the beginning, middle, and end. It is only the main points. A plot is a what happened in the beginning, middle, and end, with not only the main points, but the character's thoughts and settings of the story.
A plot summary is a description of the story in a novel, film or other piece of storytelling. It is not a review and should not contain the opinions of the author. It should contain all the necessary information about the main characters and the unfolding drama to give a complete impression of the twists and turns in the plot, but without confusing the reader with unnecessary detail.
Abstract, usually used for academic works; blurb, usually used for books; summary, for most other items. Synopsis itself is usually used for plot summaries of books/movies/plays etc.
No, a blurb and a synopsis are not the same thing on the back book cover. A blurb is a brief marketing description designed to entice readers, typically highlighting the main plot points or themes. A synopsis, on the other hand, is a more detailed summary of the entire story intended for publishers or agents.
The plot synopsis of the game Conflict Vietnam has to do with WWII. It has news clips and photographs from the era to improve your experience. This game is not suitable for young viewers.
IMD doesn't seem to be an abbreviation that has anything to do with writing. Sorry, but I have no idea how you edit a plot synopsis in whatever computer program that may be. This is the writing category where you learn how to write stories.
A story's "plot summary" could also be called an "abstract."
the plot of the summary is to explain the whole plot of the book because all the summary is is a recap of the main story's plot so you basically just restate the plot of the story in you summary paragraph