A pasture is where the horses graze. A paddock is an enclosed yard where they are exercised.
First go into my equestrian center and click on meadows. If you want to put the meadow in pasture for the resident horsesthen click on the meadow and click Put in pasture for the resident horses. Nothing to it!
Savannah Pampas Prairie Meadow Pasture
'un pré' is a meadow or pasture in French. "Beau pré" means "beautiful meadow" in French.
A grassy field is typically referred to simply as a field, pasture, meadow, or prairie.
Meadow is grass. Pond is water.
Grass lands or pasture areas.
A fertile meadow is a little better quality then the non fertile meadow but the fertile meadow is better to grow crops on.
When you take a horse out to a meadow or pasture you take a lead rope and a halter. The lead rope clips onto the halter so you can control the horse.
plain, prairie Savannah, veldt, pasture, llano, meadow, grassland.
meadow, meadowland, fallow, grassland, prairie, grass are some other words for pasture.