tampax is kind of easier to use and compak in the package they are smaller and extend the actual applicator before use.
I believe the Pearl paper is triple coated and the Matt is not.
doesn't matter, the only difference is the rare Pokemon (palkia for pearl and dialga for diamond) and you can only get stunky on diamond not pearl and you can only get Scorpio on pearl not diamond. Other than that they are both the same and both as good. hope i helped!
a TM is only for use once and a hmn can be used lots
The thirsty man is at the gate between Canalave city and route 218
Pearl is the name of the game. There is no person named pearl! I repeat there is no person named pearl!
Free Sample of Tampax Pearl Plastic
Christina Baily
Free Sample of Tampax Pearl Plastic
Christina Baily
Playtex Sport of course! ---- Well tampax pearl was the first tampon i ever tried, and it went right in and it was very confertable. But since it only opens width wise, it does hurt to take out. So I suggest Playtex. But if you are looking for the cheeper ones- then tampax.
Francesca Biggam
"Always"pads and "Tampax Pearl Tampons"
Christina Baily.
in diamond you get dialga and in pearl you get palkia submitted by monsterd
a pear is a fruit and a pearl is a shiny ball that goes in a clam
I believe the Pearl paper is triple coated and the Matt is not.
If you don't have a tampon in, you could menstruate in the water which can be very embarrassing.. I suggest Tampax Pearl. Works good for me.