dippends where you are in the US Saskatchewan is currently the same time as Chicago but when daylight savings time is on then we are the same time as Denver
Saskatchewan is two hours ahead.
The province of Saskatchewan is in between the provinces of Manitoba and Alberta.
Manitoba is the province between Saskatchewan and Ontario.
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What is the difference between North American and US?AnswerCanada.
It takes approximately 2 hours 5 minutes of driving time between Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and the Scobey Border Station on the US/Canadian border, for a distance of 178 kilometers.
The distance between the above mentioned places is 485.7 km approximately. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.
Saskatchewan is the province located between Alberta and Manitoba. The capital of Saskatchewan is Regina, which has a population of almost 200,000.
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There is 163 km for a 2 hours trip.
It is located between Alberta and Saskatchewan. It runs all the way through Saskatchewan, then meets up with another river in Alberta
Distance is 66 km for about 40 minute travel.