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the conversion of matter into energy, especially the mutual conversion of a particle and an antiparticle into electromagnetic radiation.Above is the definition, that is given for annihilation, on Google.

The positron and electron annihilate into two gamma rays.

As per the equation of Einstein, you have E = m * C square.

Now that the mass of electron and positron is same. So you put the mass of both into the formula.

You get 2 E = 2 m * C square.

You divide this equation by 2.

You get, E = m * C square.

That means from one positron, you get one gamma ray.

That means from one electron, you get one gamma ray.

That means from one gamma ray, you get one electron.

That means from 2 gamma rays, you get 2 electrons.

( Just multiply the equation by 2.)

(Here C is the speed of light. It is very high figure. The square of the speed of light is too high a figure.

it's about 300,000,000 m/s. The square of 300,000,000 comes to be 90,000,000,000,000,000.)

The electron is supposed to be the smallest mass in the atom. The photon emitted is supposed to be the smallest unit of energy. So if you multiply the one electron by the figure 90,000,000,000,000,00, you get minimum 90,000,000,000,000,000 photons emitted. From the positron also you should get the same amount of energy got released. Gamma ray is high frequency photon emitted. Only two gamma rays are emitted. "Two gamma rays are produced out of the mass of two electrons (or positrons) into energy" is the most not so wise statement I have ever encountered.

So the mass to energy ratio just does not match.

So either the equation of the Einstein is wrong, or the definition of the annihilation is wrong.

Here the definition of annihilation is wrong.

The fact is that mass get destructed into nothing in case of annihilation. The gamma rays come from the kinetic energy of the electron and positron. Mathematically one of the two gamma rays is anti-gamma ray and other is gamma ray.

It comes that mass of the electron is plus m. The mass of the positron is minus m.

The plus m + minus m = 0.

So from zero, you get positron and electron.

So from zero you get matter and anti-matter.

Hence proved.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Annihilation means complete distruction, total obliteration or the like. The word has a root in Latin, and "to make into nothing" is a loose translation. Perhaps some example sentences might help:

The blast resulted in the annihilation of the building in which the chemicals were stored.

So good were the traps set for the invaders that the attack resulted in the annihilation of those who would take over the country.

In physics, the term mutual annihilation is applied to the combining of a particle and its antiparticle, which results in the entire mass of both particles being converted entirely into energy.

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