Gohan fights the undead army in the DBZ movie, Fusion Reborn. Here, former villains and other dead ghouls crawl out of hell to wreak havoc on the streets.
Saving Private Brian
Allan Arbus played the army psychiatrist Major Sidney Freedman, although in one episode he was called "Milton" Freedman.
Kim Delaney, who portrayed Claudia Joy on Army Wives decided to leave the show to pursue other interests. The show exited her character by having her being killed overseas. Her characters exit was an emotional episode for cast and crew, as well as viewers.
Sheila Lauritsen left Hollywood years ago. She currently lives a private life in Arizona.
To create a Grand Army of the Republic and fight the Seraratists in a unified manner instead of letting each planet fend for itself.
undead army
Certainly an undead army, for in every undead movie the undead takes over faster than a ninja that even the army or military or anything of that sort can control. Although zombies are not real.
The undead army dude
its called lolcakes
the army fights? defends the country
The name of the part of the army which fights on horse back is called the cavalry. I think this is what you were asking?
Consult a voodoo priest.
To create my own undead army!
American badass by kid rock
by a train from the army its a mission
The Scourge is the undead army controlled by the Lich King.
He got in fights