The currency in Amsterdam (and everywhere in the Netherlands) is the Euro.
The currency of France is the Euro (€).The euro zone, officially the euro area, is a Monetary Union (EMU for European Monetary Union) of 17 European States which have adopted the Euro currency as their sole Legal Tender currency. The current countries of the Euro Zone are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland (republic of), Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands (Holland), Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, SpainFrance used to have the Franc as their currency,
Oslo is the capital of Norway.The currency used in Oslo is the Norwegian Krone.The International currency code is NOK.
The currency in India is called rupees
The currency that is used in Sweden is called Swedish crowns (Svenska kronor)
The Euro
Gulden. With the 'f' as sign.
Holland is mistakenly used in reference to the country of the Netherlands - however, Holland is only the western region of the country. As members of the European Union, the Netherlands (including Holland) uses the Euro, which replaced the Gulden (Guilder) as the national currency in 1999.
The Guilder (Guilders in the plural) was the currency used in the Netherlands (a country in Europe which includes the state of Holland) until the country changed over to the Euro, a currency common to 17 countries in Europe. The Euro was brought in to circulation on January 1, 2002.
¤ is the universal currency symbol. When used, it means currency.
The currency used is Euro
holland was invaded first. the Nazis used holland to get to France.
The currency used in Germany is the euro (β¬).
The currency used in Stockholm is the same currency used in the entire country:Kronor (shortened: kr) meaning "crowns"SEK is the currency type.