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The fossil record of early birds is very incomplete, because their bones are fragile and don't fossilize well. Since feathers don't fossilize very well either, no one really knows what these extinct birds looked like. Modern reconstructions are, therefore, based on educated guesses.

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Pterosaurs are more closely related to crocodiles than to turtles. Both crocodiles and turtles are diapsids while turtles are anapsids.

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Q: What is the common ancestor of pterosaurs and crocodilians?
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Are pterosaurs related to dinosaurs?

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Were pterodactyls dinosurs?

Pterodactylus were pterosaurs, and although pterosaurs are often called "flying dinosaurs," they were not dinosaurs. Pterosaurs were flying reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs, but they don't share the same common ancestor as dinosaurs and thus don't fall into the clade Dinosauria.

Was pterodactyl ancestor of birds?

No. Pterosaurs share a common ancestor with the dinosaurs, but are not classed as dinosaurs themselves. Birds, however, descend from a group of dinosaurs called theropods; the earliest bird know, Archaeopteryx, dates to about 150 million years ago. The theropods also include dinosaurs such as T. rex, velociraptors, and other bird-like dinosaurs.

Is the Crocodile really a descendant of the dinosaur?

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