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It's kinda red brown and it's a little bit transparent

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It's not red.

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Q: What color is mosquito blood?
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What is the colour of the blood of mosquites?

what is the mosquito blood color

If you squash a mosquito it leaves a red mark .why?

If a mosquito has recently had a feed then it will be full of somebody's blood, that is what you see when you squash the mosquito, blood.

What eat mosquito?

mosquito sucks the blood

What color are mosquito's?

brownish purplish color.

What does a mosquito do after feeding?

The mosquito will nourish the eggs it is carrying with the blood.

What insects sucks blood more mosquito or bedbug?


What does mosquto do with animals blood?

Only female mosquito insects drink blood. They penetrate your skin, then "suck" your blood. Although a mosquito bite is usually not harmful, unless it carries malaria. Then, the mosquito consumes the blood for energy. The more blood a female mosquito drinks, the more offspring it will deliver.

Why does mosquito take human blood while it bites?

The female mosquito needs the blood to produce eggs.

Are the blood cells of an elephant bigger than those of a mosquito?

An elephant is significantly bigger than a mosquito in many ways. This also includes their blood cells, as a mosquito's blood cells are smaller.

What is the mosquito?

The mosquito is a flying insect. The female need to drink blood to develop her eggs. But, while drinking blood, the disease of malaria can be transmitted from the mosquito to humans.

Why blood is required to lay egg by female mosquito?

To develop eggs to lay an animal needs to eat food. The food of a mosquito is blood, thus blood is required before the female mosquito can lay eggs.

Can you get aids from a mosquito like if you squish it and you accidentally eat some of the blood in side of the mosquito?

Why would you eat blood afterwards.