There isn't a code for the lava wallpaper on Moshi Monsters, although you can buy it at DIY in Sludge Street.
There is no "volcano" floor on Moshi Monsters. You are probably looking for the Lava Flow Floor which you can get with the code: sludgestreet
go to diy shop or yukea, and check to see if its there, if not, check back every 15 mins until its there
you get the shell from the starting island with sand castles and give it to the crab on tiki tiki tropics! :)
In either of your own main phases, you can special summon lava golem. Rather than offering the cost from your own side of the field, Lava Golem says to use the opponent's monsters. So you send the opponent's two monsters to the graveyard and place Lava Golem on their side of the field. Either player can try to negate it, in which case it will be destroyed and go to your graveyard.
Lava Golem's own special summon effect can only special summon itself to the opponent's side of the field. Like other 'can only be special summoned by..' monsters, if you summon it correctly, and it is then destroyed, it can be brought back to the field by cards like Monster Reborn. In Lava Golem's case, it will be special summoned to your side of the field if you do this.
The code for the Lava Floor is: SLUDGESTREET
There is no "volcano" floor on Moshi Monsters. You are probably looking for the Lava Flow Floor which you can get with the code: sludgestreet
When you are on level 7 go to the place with the blue dude and he will have it. In addition: You can get the Lavaflow Floor by entering the MoPod Code: sludgestreet in the Secret Code box when you sign in.
Lavaflow floor: sludgestreet ADD ME-nikkipam
u have 2 be a member & then go 2 horrods on sludge street
Elder Furi is at the secret place in the lava at the Volcano but you need to be a paid member and get a secret key!
There are lots of codes for moshi monsters. when you are done please add me, I'm andreamorgan, also add my friend corton22. sludgestreet: lava floor puzzlepalace: disco floor MONSTERS fangtastic moshimoshi11 googenhime22 giftisland23 gingersnap11 bigbadbill31 moshlingzoo1 profpurplex6 Port
go to diy shop or yukea, and check to see if its there, if not, check back every 15 mins until its there
you get the shell from the starting island with sand castles and give it to the crab on tiki tiki tropics! :)
This item is given with a secret code.
There is a link at the bottom of the game pages which takes you to a page where you can enter codes. To get the Lavaflow Floor, type sludgestreet in the box that says 'Enter Code Here' and enter your code.
im not sure actually lol :) i was trying to find out that answer rofl :) P.S. Add me im leonie1716 im a member i i will send u gifts !! cool ones :)