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If you keep on breeding Ditto with Eevee eventually will get a female but is a 5% chance

1/8 shot of getting a female

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Q: What is the chance of getting a female Eevee?
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How do you catch a female Eevee?

Luck. There is a 12.5% chance of getting a female eevee.

How do you get a female Eevee?

You have a 30/70 chance of san eevee being female. Until you get a female, just breed it with a ditto.

Is there a female Eevee in soul silver?

Eevee can be a female, you either receive it from Bill at his house in Goldenrod as female or it hatches from an egg as female. However, there in only a 12.5% chance that will happen

Is the eevee Pokemon a girl?

according to, there is a 87.5% chance of the eevee being male, and 12.5% of it being female

What city do you have to go to for a Eevee egg to hatch into a female Eevee?

when u get an egg, everything is set. no matter where u hatch it, an eevee ALWAYS has a....1:7 chance (i think) of being female. sorry, but you'll just have to breed until u get a female :( boring, i know.

How many eggs do you have to wait to get a female Pokemon?

If a Pokemon has a 50% chance being male and 50% chance being female, it'll be 50% chance of an female Pokemon hatching. Sometimes, Pokemon (like the starters, Eevee, Growlithe, etc.) have a minor chance of having a female. (Mostly 12.5% of the chance if it's starters, Eevee, and other primarily male Pokemon.) It's not really the matter on how many Eggs it'll take, but the chances of having the female Pokemon you want.

Can an eevee lay a female egg in Pokemon diamond?

Yes but there is only a 12.5 percent chance of it happening

Can you get a female Eevee in FireRed?

you can get a female eevee as i have got one.

Can an Eevee cry attract a female Eevee?

yes,a male eevee's cry can attract a female eevee.but this is not possible in the games.

Do you have a female Eevee you will trade me for a male Eevee?

Um.. I don't have a male Eevee but my friend does Do you have a female eevee? And will you add me? My friend code is 2922 6997 1236 and my name is Alexis.

What is the chance of getting a male turtwig?

The chance of getting a female Turtwig is 87.5; the same as all the other starter pokémon.

How do you get girl eevee?

You just have to be really lucky, as only 12.5% of Eevee are female.