

Best Answer

Speaker of the House of Representatives

President Pro Tempore of the Senate

Secretary of State

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Defense

Attorney General

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of Energy

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of Homeland Security

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16y ago
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13y ago

The US Govt. does not have a "Chain of Command" because it is not a military structure. It's actually called the "Order of Succession", a government term, and is commonly confused with the Military term "Chain of Command". The Chain of Command is the line of authority and responsibility along which orders are passed within a military unit and between different units.

The "Order of Succession" is:


Vice President

Speaker of the House

President pro tempore of the Senate

Secretary of State

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Defense.

Attorney General

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of Energy

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of Homeland Security

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12y ago

Speaker of the House of Representatives

President Pro Tempore of the Senate

Secretary of State

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Defense

Attorney General

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of Energy

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of Homeland Security

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12y ago

Because the US government is not of a military structure, they have what is called an Order of Succession. If the President dies or is unable to perform his duty while in office, the number 2 person being the Vice President takes over. In fact very simplythat is the entire reason the Vice President is there. Essentially the Vice President holds very little power short of casting a tie breaking vote in The Senate. In reality the number 3 position actually wields much more political power.

The number 3 person is the Speaker of the House and has significant influence on getting a bill through congress or killing it. So if you look at the day to day normal power structure in the US, the Speaker of the House is the second most powerful person in the USA according to the Constitution simply because the Vice President is a standby position in government.

At this point for most Americans who comes next is a bit fuzzy, so to clear that up the number 4 spot is the President pro tempore of the Senate. This is the longest lasting position as elections are every 6 years for the Senate. All other positions in government are either appointed by the President who has a 4 year term, and the Speaker of the House has a 2 year term.

The number 5 spot goes to the Secretary of State. This is possibly the most visual position next to the President because the Secretary of State interacts directly with other countries and essentially is the key interface between countries. This position has been seen as the most influential in internationalpolitics on a day to day basis. Although the President sets policy and has the final say, the President divides time between domestic and international issues reducing his international exposure slightly.

After that the list runs on all the way down to number 19 the Secretary of Homeland Security. Beyond that there is no provision in the Constitution and it is assumed the top military commander would take over until a new government could be formed. In reality if it ever gets down to Secretary of Homeland Security being acting President, there is some catastrophic problems going on and it simply may be every man for themselves at that point. The full list is below.

  • 1 President
  • 2 Vice President
  • 3 Speaker of the House
  • 4 President pro tempore of the Senate
  • 5 Secretary of State
  • 6 Secretary of the Treasury
  • 7 Secretary of Defense.
  • 8 Attorney General
  • 9 Secretary of the Interior
  • 10 Secretary of Agriculture
  • 11 Secretary of Commerce
  • 12 Secretary of Labor
  • 13 Secretary of Health and Human Services
  • 14 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
  • 15 Secretary of Transportation
  • 16 Secretary of Energy
  • 17 Secretary of Education
  • 18 Secretary of Veterans Affairs
  • 19 Secretary of Homeland Security
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15y ago

The Chain of succession for the US Presidency is:

  1. Vice-President
  2. Speaker of the House of Representatives
  3. Members of the Cabinet in order of Departmental Seniority
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16y ago

The Speaker of the House of Representatives (currently Rep. Nancy Pelosi)

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Is a step above a vice president. Is next in charge to the president.

Who is next in command behind the president?

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Vice President is one example