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France is telephone country code +33, and you must drop the trunk prefix 0 from the beginning of the French domestic telephone number. For example, Paris's area code 01 becomes +33 1. If you are calling on a mobile phone, just enter the number in international format, beginning with the plus symbol. The mobile network will automatically insert any needed prefix for your call, even if you later call the same number from a different country that uses a different international dialing prefix.

If you are calling on a landline phone, substitute the UK's international access prefix 00 for the plus symbol.

(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)

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9y ago
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11y ago

The actual location of the mobile you're calling has no effect on the number you dial to reach it. Just dial the UK mobile number exactly the same way you would if the user were at home in the UK.

If you have a GSM mobile, you can save yourself some headaches by always programming in numbers in full international format, beginning with the country code (for example, +44 for the UK, but be sure to include the plus sign). In most cases, you drop the trunk prefix 0 from the national number, although Italy is an exception to that rule. Thus, UK mobile number 07700 900123 becomes +44 7700 900123, and 0161 496 0123 becomes +44 161 496 0123. The mobile network will automatically replace the plus sign and the country code with the appropriate prefix, even if you are roaming as well.

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9y ago

If you are calling a UK mobile that just happens to be in France, dial the UK number as normal. The physical location of the mobile does not change how you dial the number.

If you are calling a French mobile, or any other French telephone number, replace the trunk prefix 0 of the French domestic number with telephone country code +33. For example, a mobile number beginning with 06 will begin with +33 6.

On a mobile phone, just dial +33 (including the plus symbol), followed by the rest of the number (omitting the trunk prefix 0). Otherwise, replace the plus symbol with the UK's international access prefix, 00.

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13y ago

0033, then drop the first zero of the number you want to dial.

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12y ago

00 33 and then the French number without the initial 0.

so a call to 02 33 47 85 00 would require 00 33 2 33 47 85 00

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11y ago

For England, add +44 in front of the full number . That works from every country, not only from France, for a mobile or a landline number.

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11y ago

Add +44 before the full number of the English landline or mobile you want to call.

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11y ago

00 33, and then drop the leading 0 from the French domestic number

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