The buggati veyron has 2 forms:1.noramal and 2. is supersport.The normal one can go to about 400kph while the supersport can go to 450kph.
The top speed is 268mph.
260 mph
The Buggati Veryon does 0-60 in 2.5 seconds and a top speed of 264
The top speed is 268mph.
The Buggati Veyron has a top speed of 256 mph. This top speed can be broken due to ideal conditions.
Buggati veyron with a top speed of 408.47 km/h .
i wish it was lambo...but its buggati:(the weyyyrroun can rech a top speed of 267mph!
The Veyron. It has a top speed of 252 mph, while the enzo only reaches about 219.
Its top speed is 253 Mph Its got 1001 horsepower
everyone noes this dude buggati veyron is the worlds fastest car..its top speed is around 410km/hr..
The Aero is faster.
tops out at 253mph or around there. an average top speed of 431.072 km/h (267.81 mph) for the Super Sport version (Wikipedia)