Darren Bent's birth name is Darren Ashley Bent.
Marcus Bent's birth name is Marcus Nathan Bent.
Amel Bent's birth name is Amel Bentbachir.
Linda Bent's birth name is Linda Jean Opie.
Michael Travesser's birth name is Wayne Bent.
Nike Bent was born on December 1, 1981, in Funsdalen, Hrjedalen, Jmtlands ln, Sweden.
Bjarne Liller's birth name is Pedersen, Bjarne Bent Rnne.
Anja Nejarri's birth name is Anja Bent Tayeb Nejarri.
Nike is the brand name, and its logo is called the Nike Swoosh.
The Nike gymshoe got its name by a god in Ancient Greek who was named Nike and loved to run.
Came from the Greek Goddess Nike, it is supposed to be one of her "wings".
Nike was named after the greek god "Nike". He was the god of victory.