Find and download a music downloader app then, while in the app, search a free music site and download them from there. The app should have instructions on how to download anyways
When downloading an app, you are not obliged or forced to download music. Music and apps can be downloaded separately. They can be downloaded either through iTunes or through the App Store.
The best tuner app for trumpet players is "Tunable."
If you open the Purple iTunes Application(App) then you can purchase music, videos, books, and more; all from that app! You can do the same in the itunes store on your computer(IF you have iTunes on your computer).
it costs money there is no app for this item
i music
you can o for Flipagram and make videos of photos and add your favorite music as you like.
Photoshop is the best one for this, you can do anything imaginable with a picture.
The best funny photo iPhone app will depend on what you are looking for. Some of the common ones include Cartoonizeme, Photo-sketch and many more. Pixies Fun with Photos is also a good app that you can use on your iPhone. Having a variety of apps is much better.
Your photos can either be in the Gallery app, you can also access through the Camera app, access it (in the cloud) through the Photos app, or access it through Google+.
Plug them into the jack in the top left of the iPad.
Download an app from the app store
The app Instagram is an app that allows you to take photos and share them with friends or people all across the world. In the app you can friend people who have pictures you like, you can like photos or comment on them. You can even aim for the popular page in which the most liked photos are put onto a single page.
Photos use this new app called pic free from pinger who created textfree which is the BEST text app for ipod. For files there is just the plain old email
4Shared is a popular MP3 download app for Android. Another is Music Download Paradise.
Yes if you have a music app. A good music app is google music.