Your starter Pokemon and some cool and are Pokemon that you have caught example giratina,shyamin
yes your starter Pokemon but u could also use other good ones like rampardos( witch can have the most attack) or machamp. also you can find out good Pokemon on marriland. type marriland platinum in on Google and click on the top one
you don't have to have your starter though, or legendarys. i have a poliwrath, garchomp, infernape, areodactyle, electrivire and mamoswine, and they havent failed me yet. this team can beat every type theyre put upainst!! whoop!!
that may be good for you but i think garatina, dialga, palkia, uxie, mesprit, and azelf are the best party Pokemon
it depends on how you use them.
*New Person* I like to have a team full of dual types, that are all different, as to cover most weaknesses. for example, one team I have is:
Sharpedo (water/dark)
Abomasnow (grass/ice)
Rhyperior (ground/rock)
Toxicroak (poison/fight)
Metagross (steel/psychic)
Salamence (dragon/flying)
now if you want to go for a legendary team any will work, but make sure you have darkrai in there somewhere with the moveset:
Dark void
Dark pulse
psychic/shadow ball/shadow claw
how to use darkrai with those moves in a double battle is as follows; first use dark void, to put them to sleep. keep doing so until they are both asleep, and bad dreams will kick in. second use nightmare to one out of two Pokemon. third use nightmare on the other one. fourth use dark pulse or the choosable move (a.k.a. psychic/shadow ball/shadow claw). fifth use dark pule or choosable move on the other. you should get a ko on both.
in a single battle use the same method as for double, but skip steps three and five.
Yeah, that's right but i think, you can get good team if you have
Dialga - Steel/dragon (Roar of time, Aurasphere, Dragon claw, Dragon pulse)
Palkia - Water/dragon (Spacial rend, aurasphere, dragon claw, .....any u like)
Giratna - ghost/dragon (shadow force, dragon claw, Fly/aurasphere, ancient
power/ omnious wind)
Empoleon, infernape or toterra
Garchomp - ground/dragon (dragon rush, dragon claw, dragon pulse, Dig/
hyperbeam, brick break/.......)
Lucario - Fighting/steel (Aurasphere, Focus blast, Close combat/drain
punch/brick break......, Dragon pulse)
But if you haven't got any legendary it would be good if u have
Empoleon, toterra or Infernape
Garchomp (same as above)
Roserade - Grass/poison (Giga drain/ energy ball, Solar beam, Sludge bomb,
Shadow ball)
Lucario (same as above)
Luxray - Electric (Thunder, Hyper beam, Crunch, thunder fang/iron tail)
Rapidash - Fire (Fire blast, Flare blitz, Take down, .......any u like)
Any starters
Empoleon - water/steel (Flash cannon/hyper beam, surf/ drill peck,
hydro cannon)
Infernape - Fire/fighting (Flare blitz/fire blast, flame thrower, over heat,
Any good fighting type move)
Toterra - Grass/ground (Earthquake, Energy ball, mega drain/ leaf storm,
Rock climb)
Mine is a lvl 100 Arceus, a lvl 100 Dialga, a lvl 100 Cresselia, a lvl 100 Darkrai, a lvl 100 Giratina and a lvl 100 Palkia. My legendaries in my PC are lvl 100 Mesprit, lvl 100 Uxie, lvl 100 Azelf, lvl 100 Regirock, lvl 100 Registeel, lvl 100 Regice, lvl 100 Regigigas, lvl 100 Groudon, lvl 100 Kyogre and a lvl 100 Manaphy.
* the lvl 100 Groudon and Kyogre were migrated in (Groudon from Omega Ruby).
Regigigas is Pokemon #486 on Pokemon Platinum. To get it, go to the Snowpoint Temple with Regirock, Registeel, and Regice.
use dig in there caves
if u like bug types yes if not it sucks
That all comes down to opinion. Everyone has different opinions about which is the strongest and which is the best.
arceus,ho-oh,lugia,groudon,dialga and palkia
no cheat for platinum
In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.
try your best to find spirtomb in Pokemon platinum
most legendaries such as girintina, heatran, dialga, or arceus. my party is: dialga, palkia, heatran, girintina, and lugia. but i think the best Pokemon is a lvl. 100 ditto.
Infernape GyaradosGiratinaLeafeonDrapion
arceus is i said party not single pokemon.
Dialga in Diamond. Palkia in Pearl. Giritina in Platinum. Zekrom in White and Reshiram in Black.
In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.
If you're talking about a best party, then the party would be... Slot 1Garintina Slot 2Heatran Slot 3Togekiss Slot 4Articuno Slot 5Zapdos Slot 6Raquaza