Salvation can be got only by believing that Jesus died and also rose from the death for us miserable sinners. This can be vey well found in the book of John chapter 3 verse 16. For God so loved the world that that he gave us his only son, for those who believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
There is only one type of salvation in the New Testament and that is salvation by grace: Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, It is the gift of God. A gift, of course, is a free and unconditional present. That is the only basis on which God offers salvation. The gift of God is salvation by grace and through faith. It is offered to all people everywhere.
The old testament, then the church and the new testament.
The early Church created the New Testament.
Christ forms the basis for the new testament as it is on his life and teaching and also death and resurection.
Jesus mentions 'the church' 18 times in the New Testament.
The Old Testament was a series of Laws. The New Testament is Love and Faith.
Luke 1:69.
What new testament book tells us of the work of the early church
Various stages of God's revelation of Himself and His plan of salvation for mankind. He does this via His calling out people (Congregation of Israel in the Old and the Church of God in the New). Though the Patriarchs and His Prophets, all that mankind needs to know to attain salvation is presented.
In the present format of the new testament there are four gospels> There are however many others which were excluded by the early church. The basis of why some are in and others out lacks documentation.
The word "church" appears 113 times in the King James version of the New Testament.