The birth rate in 2008 was 18.72 and the average is about 17 and the death rate in 2008 was 16.35 and the average is about 6.24. I hoped that helped.
A higher birth rate is a rate of reproduction greater than the current norm, or average, or a rate of reproduction greater than a norm or average at a given time.
Birth Rate= No. of births/average no. of population x 1000 Death Rate= No. of deaths/annual average no. of population x 1000 from:BPSHS 15 18
As of 2020, the average birth rate in the United Kingdom was around 11.6 births per 1,000 people. The birth rate in the UK has been gradually decreasing over the past few decades.
It is around half a percent for its the birth rate of Canada over that of the average birth rate of the world.
The average birthrate is -.2%
The birth rate is the number of children who are born. Here are some sentences.The birth rate is dropping as people realize our resources are running out.We should have a low birth rate to conserve our resources.How do you calculate average birth rate?In some countries, the birth rate isn't as high because of the use of abortion by its citizens.
September 9th is considered the date with the highest birth rate worldwide. This is often attributed to the phenomenon of couples planning or scheduling births to have special numerical patterns in the birth date, such as 09/09.
1 birth every 3 minutes
Birth grossed $14,603,001 worldwide.
In the US in 2011, the average birth rate is 11,637 babies per day (8 per minute). Worldwide, live births were 363,554 per day (252 per minute) in early 2011. (see related link)
19.95 (births per 1000 persons)...