The average salary for a nurse practitioner is going to depend on the type of specialty they have. In Michigan, the average salary for a nurse practitioner for all specialties range between $88K and 89K. The lowest annual salary is around the mid $70K and just over $100K for the top end of the range.
The average starting salary would be around 75,000 dollars a year in North Carolina. A nurse practitioner is between a nurse and a doctor.
Nurse Practitioner's make a very good salary. I have found that the salaries range from $78,457 to $103,834. The median, or average Nurse Practitioner salary in the US is $90,531.
The annual salary of a beginning general practitioner would be averaging around $140,000 to $200,000. The annual salary for an experienced general practitioner would be around $210,000 to $320,000.
The average salary for a Nurse Practitioner is $90,000, with a range of 75,000-150,000 depending on experience and job specifics. I'd say you're daughter is making a smart decision!
A nurse practitioner typically has a master's degree, and is at least 24 years old. The average nurse practitioner is significantly older.
Average salaries for nurses have a pretty wide range. The low end is about $42,000 while the high end is around $91,500 for a nurse practitioner.
About $62,000.
Average salary of the anesthetist nurse in US ranges from $110,000 to $180,000.
If you are refering to a LPN, which is a Licensed Practical Nurse, the typical salary in the US is about $37,471
The average salary for a night nurse in the United States is about $50,000 a year. The average salary for a night nurse will vary quite a bit depending on location and experience.
What is the salary of a Nurse Anesthetist in Panama