There is no Talladego county in Alabama. Alabama does have a Tallapoosa and a Talladega County. Tallapoosa County is next to Chambers County(the birth place of Pat Garrett) Talladega County is close to Chambers and Pat Garrett could have family in either/ both counties.
The address of the Haralson County Veterans Memorial Park Inc is: Po Box 563, Tallapoosa, GA 30176-0563
The average annual rainfall in Riverside County, California is around 11 inches. It can vary slightly depending on the specific location within the county.
The monthly average rainfall in Uvalde County, Texas, varies throughout the year. On average, Uvalde County receives around 2-3 inches of rainfall per month. However, this amount can fluctuate based on weather patterns and climate conditions.
Average rainfall in Mercer County, North Dakota varies from 12.5 inches in Stanton, North Dakota to 16.8 inches in Beulah, North Dakota.
Baghdad, Iraq, is known to have one of the lowest average annual rainfall amounts in the world.
Tallapoosa, located in Haralson County
Research shows Tallapoosa (formerly spelled Tallapoosee) derived from American Indian language Talwa=Rock Puse=Smear. Local lore references the term "Golden River" due to color created during rains from the Georgia red clay lending to the "Smear" reference. Some think since the lower Tallapoosa river found in Tallapoosa county Alabama contains a collection of loose stones and due to the fact native Americans traced ancestry through the female rather than the male that it could also reference Indian Language Pusa=Grandmother AKA "Rock Grandmother" since the Tallapoosa river starts in Tallapoosa, Georgia which would be the grandmother of the rocks found lower down stream.
Alabama A & M is located in Madison County, Alabama.
Tuskegee is in Macon County, Alabama.
Jacksonville, Alabama is located in Calhoun County.
You could try Soapstone Creek, in Tallapoosa County. Contact your state geologist, or the geology department at a local university or museum, or a local gem and mineral club, or local rock carvers, for exact locations to find soapstone in your area.