The French average lifespan is 78.1 years for men and 84.8 years for women.
12 years average lifespan.
Poodles can often live to be 16 to 18 years old and a few make it to 20. The smaller poodles live the longest. They are a sturdy and highly intelligent dog and one breed that has fewer diseases or other physical problems. Usually the average life span of a poodle ranges from around 13-14 years.
the life span of a healthy toy poodle is from 10 to 16 years.
poodle is translated 'caniche' (masc.) in French.
A poodle is 'un caniche' (masc.) in French.
actually, poodles aren't french, they're german, but the french word for poodle is caniche.
What is the average lifespan for cha moms house
The average lifespan of a Dingo is 10 years but, in some cases they have 13-18 year lifespan.
The average lifespan of a Dingo is 10 years but, in some cases they have 13-18 year lifespan.
what is the average lifespan of a Austrian pine tree
The average lifespan of the people of Asia is 56 years.