Veterinary assisting is an entry level position with no requirements for special education or training. Veterinary assistants are more limited in the types of duties that they can perform and require more supervision than credentialed veterinary technicians. For these reasons, veterinary assistants often start at minimum wage with increases over time as their skill and knowledge increases. A 2013 survey by Firstline (a veterinary team magazine) the average pay for veterinary assistants in the southwest was $14.50 an hour. Bear in mind that the "Southwest" includes California, which has a much higher cost of living and pay scale; thus, that average is likely higher than the average in Texas. That average also doesn't provide a breakdown of time spent in practice, so it includes the pay for veterinary assistants who have been working for 10 or more years, which raises the average. The majority of veterinary assistants in Texas will make quite a bit less than that "average."
Veterinary assistants tend to make close to minimum wage. This is an entry level-position in a veterinary facility and training is generally done on the job. Over time, veterinary assistants may increase their pay rate, however due to laws/rules in each state that limit what a veterinary assistant can do vs. a veterinary technician, veterinary assistants often do not make as much as a credentialed veterinary technician even with experience.
A veterinary technician in Texas will make from $30,000-$40,000. Education, credentials and experience will all influence the pay rate of an individual.
There isnt any.
The salary for a certified veterinary assistant will vary depending on experience and location worked. The average certified vet assistant salary is about $33,000 per year.
about 35,000 a year
An accounting assistant in Texas can make between about $11 to about $25 per hour depending on his or her education level. Experience also plays a large role in the salary of the accounting assistant.
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A veterinary assistant is the entry-level position in a vet clinic; average pay would be $8-10 per hour with annual wages depending upon the number of hours worked.
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Veterinary assistants get paid anywhere from minimum wage to $14 an hour in the US. The reason for the variation is that there are no legal requirements for special education or training for veterinary assistants and in many states there are legal limits set on what a veterinary assistant may do in a veterinary practice. Experience also plays a part in what pay rate is given to an assistant.
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Usually a veterinary lab tester make 20 dollars hourly.