The area of Ahmedabad, including its talukas, is approximately 8087 square kilometres.
The time difference between Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States of America, and Ahmedabad, Gujarat, in India is 9.5 hours while Boston is on daylight savings time. Ahmedabad is 10.5 hours ahead while Boston is on standard time. India does not observe daylight savings time.
The entry fee for visitors at Wonderland Ahmedabad is approximately INR 800 for adults and INR 700 for children. There might be additional charges for certain rides or attractions within the park. It is recommended to check the official website or contact the park directly for the most current pricing information.
+(91)-(79)-26890257, 65410896+(91)-(79)-26890257, 65410896 Ticket cost : Snow park Rs. 220 (adult), Rs. 180 (Children) (for 1 hr) Time:11 am to 9 pm.
An uninhabited area is typically referred to as wilderness, wilderness area, or no man's land.
Weather is the area's day-to-day conditions and climate is the area's average conditions.
The area of Roman Catholic Diocese of Ahmedabad is 15,282 square kilometers.
The country code and area code of Viramgam- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2715.
The country code and area code of Bareja- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2718.
The country code and area code of Barwala- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2711.
The country code and area code of Dehgam- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2716.
The country code and area code of Dhandhuka- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2713.
The country code and area code of Dholka- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2714.
The country code and area code of Sanand- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2717.
The country code and area code of Ahemdabad Local- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)79.
The country code and area code of Gandhi Nagar- Ahmedabad, India is 91, (0)2712.
Ahmedabad is the sixth largest city in India with a population of over 5 million. ahmedabad shares 20%turn over of India's stock exchange... area of Bombay municiple corporation is 512sqkm while ahmedabad municiple corporation is 490sqkm
these are the pin codes of ahmedabad.... AHMEDABAD.............................… AHMEDABAD AIR PORT................... 380012 AHMEDABAD AMRAIWADI...............380026 AHMEDABAD BEHRAMPURA......... 380022 AHMEDABAD CANTONMENT......... 380003 AHMEDABAD CIVIL........................... 380003 AHMEDABAD G P O.......................... 380001 AHMEDABAD JIVRAJPARK............. .380051 AHMEDABAD JUHAPURA............... 380055 AHMEDABAD PALDI......................... 380007 AHMEDABAD RAILWAY COLONY...380019 AHMEDABAD RAJPUR GOMTIPUR..380021 AHMEDABAD RAKHIALUDYOG VI....380023 AHMEDABAD SAHIBAG....................380004 AHMEDABAD SARASPUR............... 380018 AHMEDABAD SHAH.......................... 380004 AHMEDABAD SPACE....................... 380028 AHMEDABAD THALTEJ ROAD....... 380054 ---- they are more but i think thses are the main ones.... this question needs an improved answer