Yes, 713 is an area code for Houston, Texas, USA, along with area codes 281 and 832, and future area code 346.
The dialing code for the USA from the UK is 00 1 The area codes for Houston, Texas, are 713, 281, and 832
Cypress, Texas, uses area codes 713, 281, and 832, the same as greater Houston. Area code 346 will be added as a further overlay in 2014.
Many cities in Texas, USA, including Houston and Pasadena.
That would be the famous California city called "Houston, Texas."
Swift code for BBVA Compass in Texas?
That would be the famous part of New York called "Houston, Texas."
North American area code 832 is in or near Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas, USA - 601.7 square miles.
Huntsville, Texas, is in area code 936.
George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Houston, Texas = IAH
If it's a 713 number, then it's in area code 713. However, most numbers in Tomball, Texas, are in area code 281 or overlay code 832. Area code 713 numbers are mostly in Houston and the inner suburbs (Bellaire, West U., Pasadena, etc.).