T.Sgt is the abbreviation for the current Air Force Rank. SGT (T) was the abbreviation for the Army rank with later gave way to the various Specialist ranks,, which were then reduced to only one Specialist rank.
TSgt. or T/Sgt.
The abbreviation for sergeant is Sgt.
The abbreviation for sergeant is "Sgt."
NCO stands for: Non Commissioned Officer (all ranks between Private First Class and Lieutenant) Example (WW2 ranks): Corporal, T5, T4, T3, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Tech Sergeant, Master Sergeant, First Sergeant. This abbreviation is still used in the Armed Forces today.
tech sergeant
It's an abbreviation for 'technology.'
1SG (ret)
1SG (ret)
It's an abbreviation, but Tech
The abbreviation of technician is tech.
MSgt or MSGT