

What is the Welsh for help?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the Welsh for help?
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What is help in Welsh?

Help in Welsh is "cymorth".

What is singing in Welsh?

Singing in Welsh involves using the Welsh language to convey melodies and lyrics. Welsh singers often bring a unique cultural and linguistic perspective to their music, incorporating traditional Welsh themes and styles into their performances. Singing in Welsh can help preserve the language and promote Welsh culture.

Someone to practice Welsh with Is there anyone who can help you improve your Welsh language skills?

You can try joining online language exchange platforms, Welsh language meetup groups, or reaching out to local Welsh speakers or tutors for practice opportunities. Utilizing language learning apps or taking a Welsh language class can also help improve your skills. Reading books or watching shows in Welsh can further immerse you in the language.

How do you say 'how may i help you' in welsh?

You would say "sut gallaf helpu chi" in Welsh.

How do you revise for Welsh?

To revise for Welsh, focus on practicing speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Welsh. Flashcards can help with vocabulary, watching Welsh shows or listening to Welsh music can improve comprehension, and practicing writing essays or answering questions in Welsh can enhance your written skills. Additionally, studying grammar rules and common phrases will also be beneficial for your revision.

What does borthyn mean in welsh?

There is no word "borthyn" in Welsh. It is possible that it is a misspelling or a word from another language. If you have more context or details, I can try to help further.

What does it mean to be Welsh?

Welsh means someone, or something that has originated from Wales.Either a person, object or the Welsh language.The Germanic Angles and Saxons were invited to England to help fight the Jutes (Danish) who were at that time invading England. When they arrived to help and consequently invade England, their word for the locals (Celtic-speakers) was "Waelisc" meaning "foreigner" and their word for the land was "Wēalas",meaning "foreign".The verb 'to welsh' means to swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager; to fail to fulfill an obligation.

Why can't my welsh corgie move his bowels without my help?

the bowels are to heavy

How do you say Hello in English Irish Welsh Italian?

"Hello" in English: "Hello". In Welsh: "Was Hael". In Italian: "Salve". Can't help you with Irish (Gaelic) I'm afraid.

How do you say 'helpful' in Welsh?

cynorthwyol = helpfulalthougho gymorth (= of help) is more usualsynonyms include:adeiladol = constructivedefnyddiol = usefulbendithiol = beneficientbuddiol = beneficialllesol = advantageous

Who dubbed the voice of ET in the movie ET?

Pat Welsh with the help of Debra Winger.

What is no problem in Welsh?

if you want help with that go onto Google then translator type in no problem in English find the welsh version a you have your word! No Problem - Dim problem