

Best Answer

Mary the mother of Jesus was not known as having a last name. These were not widely used until much later, although some people did use means of differentiating themselves from others, sometimes by their employment such as Simon the Tanner. or by descent such as James and John the Sons of Zebedee. Mary would have been initially known as the wife of Joseph and later as the mother of Jesus (possibly after Joseph's death).

The above answer is incorrect in the Middle East as in Africa your last name is your father's first name and that is how they were able to clearly keep the lineage going...i.e Jesus (Yahshua) name would be Yahshua bar Ysef (Joseph) etc. So if Mary who's real name was (Mariam) father's name was, Boaz for example, her name would have been Mariam bar Boaz. This is how we have the exact order of lineage, NOT LIKE THE EUROPEANS DO.

The above answer is ALMOST correct. The only issue with it is that Joseph was not Jesus' father.

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15y ago

In Bible times, people did not use surnames as we do today. Sometimes they were identified by the city from which they came. For instance, Jesus was known as "Jesus of Nazareth". Sometimes they are identified by their father's name. For instance, "Simon Bar-Jonah" means "Simon, son of Jonah". In The Bible, however, Mary, the mother of Jesus is just called "Mary".

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15y ago

Last names such as we use weren't used by the Jewish people of the first century. Instead, it was their custom to add "son of" or "daughter of" together with the name of their father, and perhaps of their grandfather. Also might be mentioned would be the name of the town in which they lived or in which they were born, and the tribe to which the person belonged. The Hebrew form of Mary is Mariyam. Mary would have been known as one of the daughters of Joachim or Eliachim, of the tribe of Judah. And away from home, the name of her home town of Nazareth would have been included when speaking of her.

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An Atheist's response

They don't have a last name for her because she is a fictional character. Cinderella didn't have a last name so they don't feel they need to give Mary one either. Religious people will make up things like they didn't use last names in that time which is a lie. There is records of people having First, Middle, and Last names. Even in the bible, Mary Magdalene had a last name (Magdalene).

Biblical answer

According to the Bible, Mary, the mother of Jesus, didn't have a last name, mainly because people at that time didn't have surnames. However, some did have second names to distinguish them from others with the same first name. For Mary Magdalene, she was called that because she was from Magdala.

Some men used a second name after their father. For instance, Peter was sometimes known as Peter Barjona, which means "son of Jona." Jesus was called "Jesus of Nazareth." He could have been called "Jesus Bar-Joseph," but Joseph wasn't really his father so he wasn't known as that.

Catholic Answer

In first century Palestine, people did not have last names. They were known by their tribe or the village in which they lived, or the village they were from, or their father's name. The Blessed Virgin Mary would have been known as the daughter of Joachim, or the wife of Joseph of Nazareth, etc.
Last names were foreign to Jewish culture of the Blessed Virgin's time. When we examine Jewish figures in the New Testament, they are usually referred to by their other family members, their place of origin, or their trade: Simon, son of Jonah, James, son of Zebedee, Jesus of Nazareth, etc. Women were generally referred to in relation to men: Mary, wife of Cleopas. The Blessed Virgin was most likely known as Mary, Mother of Jesus or Mary, Wife of Joseph.

It is interesting to note that genealogy was of great importance to the Jews, who would memorize their ancestry from an early age. They considered their heritage as strongly related to their personal identity, so it makes sense that they would refer to their ancestors in their own names.

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14y ago

Mary's last name was not recorded. Last names are a modern idea, back then people were known by their first name, or their first name joined with who their father was, or where they were from. For example 'Joseph of Arimathea' or 'he is Peter's son', thus the name 'Peterson' was born.

Mary's parents are named Joachim and Anne, so if she had a last name it would probably be a derivative of one of them, most likely her father.

As a woman of holy status 'Mother of God' would likely now represent her as a last name.

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13y ago

His mother's last name was not mentioned in the Bible. They didn't have last names (surnames) back then.

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At that time of history people did not have last names.

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