Musical terms are usually (but not always) in Italian. The Italian musical terms that mean "slow down" are:
Rallentando (or Rall.)
Ritardando (or Ritard. or Rit.)
The following terms also involve an element of slowing down:
Calando - slowing down and getting quieter
Ritenuto - slowing down suddenly, but usually only temporarily before returning to the usual speed again
Slargando - slowing down from a Largo (broad, slow) tempo, becoming even more slow
Slentando - slowing down from a Lento (slow) tempo, becoming even more slow
Prestissimo is the fastest musical tempo, followed in decending tempo by presto (very fast), vivace (lively), allegro (fast), moderato (moderate), adante (walking pace), adagio (slow), largo (very slow), and grave (very, very slow). The term "accelerando" means to get faster, and "ritardando" means to get slower, while "a tempo" means to return to the original pace.
Rall, Short for Rallentando, means to slow down. Sometimes, other words are added to specify how to slow down (ex. Poco. Rall. Means to slow down a little. Molto Rall. means to slow down a lot. Rall. Poco a Poco means to slow down little by little)
I think it means a particular pitch
Crescendo means gradually getting louder, in music terms.
pace actually means the rhythm of the poem
rit. or ritard.
Allegro Means Fast and adagio means slow
Largo means very slow.
A moderately slow tempo
"Rall" is a term used in music notation to indicate that the tempo should gradually slow down. It is short for "rallentando," which means to gradually decrease the speed or tempo of the music.
A quite slow pace....
The term piano means the section of music is more quietly played.
It depends how slow and what language. I use largo.
Lento, in music means slow. Its slightly faster then "largo" (if you dont know what that means please click here But its played at a staeady beat.
No, that would be called tachycardia. Bradycardia is an abnormally slow heartbeat.
The musical term that means to slow tempo is ritardando. If you'd like to slow the tempo very quickly you'd call it a molto ritardando.