The Swahili word for "Hippopotamus" is "kiboko".
The Swahili word for cheetah is "duma."
The Swahili word for monkey is "nyani."
The Swahili word for strength is "nguvu."
Kifaru or Kifaro
Mr. Tortoise or Mr. Turtle Kobe is Swahili for turtoise or turtle, but it does not include the honorific "Mr." If a Swahili-speaker wanted to say Mr. Turtle, he or she would say "Bwana Kobe."
The Swahili word for devil is "shetani."
Norwegian Swahili and English
The Swahili word for "Honey" is "asali".
The Swahili word for goat is "mbuzi."
The Swahili word for grief is huzuni.
Swahili word for desert is "jangwa"
The Swahili word for master is "bwana".
The Swahili word for pastor is "mchungaji."
The Swahili word for "nothing" is "hakuna."
The Swahili word for "Hippopotamus" is "kiboko".
The Swahili word for "Skin" is "ngozi".