Zoe. Zoe in some languages mean wonderful.
how do you spell lemon in spanish
flaco is how you spell skinny is spanish.
Do you mean how do you spell the Spanish word for quit.
The noun 'cantante' is how you spell singer in Spanish.
Zoe. Zoe in some languages mean wonderful.
The name "Zoe" is spelled Z-O-E.
Zoe is spelt the same in English and Polish.
Zoe is the british way to spell it, Zoey is the American way.
Zoe, or Zoê (from ancient Greek ζωή, meaning life).
Some alternative ways to spell the name Zoe are Zoey, Zoie, Zowie, and Zoya.
Zoe saldana spanish? of course not look it up yourself
how do you spell lemon in spanish
parece that is how you spell seems in spanish
"con" I think "con" is how you spell with in spanish.
flaco is how you spell skinny is spanish.
Heck with Spanish - can you spell it in English?