It depends. The "Sioux Nation" or the "Oceti Sakowin" (Seven Council fires) was comprised of Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes. According to history and "experts" the word Sioux stems from a word a neighboring enemy tribe call the "Sioux" people.
the sioux tribe
The Dakota Territory was named after the Dakota or Sioux settlements in the area. It was split into north and south at the time of statehood on November 2, 1889. Dakota is the Sioux Indian word for "friend".
Cherokee, Sioux
Tala red wolf, stalking wolf (Native American - Sioux)
Sinapu is the Ute word for Wolf/Wolves.
Dakota is Sapa Mato
The Sioux people have a rich cultural heritage and history that spans many generations.
If you mean the Lakota sub-tribe of South Dakota called Blackfoot Sioux, their term for a wolf is shunkmanitu tanka.If you mean the much larger Algonquian Blackfoot confederation of northern Montana, Monitoba and Saskatchewan, their word for a wolf is omahkapi'si.These two Blackfoot tribes are totally unrelated.
It depends. The "Sioux Nation" or the "Oceti Sakowin" (Seven Council fires) was comprised of Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes. According to history and "experts" the word Sioux stems from a word a neighboring enemy tribe call the "Sioux" people.
Sumanitu TakaIt depends upon which tribe. The Sioux tribes each spoke a variation of the Siouan language.Shungkmanitutonka is the Lakota word for wolf.In Lakota it is Å¡ung'manitu tanka [you say shoonk.manee.too.tonka]. The literal meaning is "a big dog that hunts walking".
The name Kansas comes from the Sioux Indian word for "People of the south wind."
Wasicu pronounced wa shee choo in Lakota Sioux
the indian kind
the sioux tribe