It is exactly that..mentally unfit. It is also broken down into categories like bi-polar and schizophrenia would be in one, depression and anxiety would be in another. But they all fall under mental illness' that deem you mentally unfit for duty depending on severity.
Conscientious Objectors, College Students, and Mentally and/or Physically unfit males.
College students and mentally/physically unfit men are usually deferred from military service.
Physically unfit or mentally unstable, or a college student.
Poor eyesight
If he was a college student or mentally and/or physically UNFIT to serve his country.
As I understand it this claim (that he was declared mentally unfit for military service) is unsubstantiated.
4-F, mentally, physically, or both; UNFIT for military service.
Conscientious Objectors, College Students, and Mentally and/or Physically unfit males.
4F in cartoons refers to a military reject because of poor physical condition.
College students and mentally/physically unfit men are usually deferred from military service.
No, because they are mentally unfit to have a gun. It is against the law to let someone mentally ill own or have a gun.
4f refers to someone who is physically unfit for military service.
Rich men NOT getting drafted. If Rich men do get drafted; they get the BEST jobs. If Rich men do get drafted; they avoid FRONTLINE duty. Those are the ONLY cons of military conscription; otherwise, every man serves his country...but equally (unless they're physically or mentally unfit).
Physically unfit or mentally unstable, or a college student.
You have to file in court for a guardianship or a conservatorship. You have to prove that they are mentally unfit to control their money.
Poor eyesight
Besides the Jews, Nazis persecuted homosexuals, gypsies, physically and mentally handicapped, and obviously political enemies. To be unworthy or unfit to be part of the master race meant that one was not of Aryan descent.