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Q: What is blood in the sputum called?
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What is the difference between hematemesis and hemoptysis?

hematemesis : blood in vomitting or feces hemoptysis : blood in sputum

A mixture of saliva and phlegm?

It is called sputum.

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What is the material that is expelled from the lungs called?


What is bleeding from the throat called?

Bleeding from the throat is known as hemoptysis. It is the act of coughing up blood or blood-stained sputum from the respiratory tract. Hemoptysis can be caused by various conditions such as infections, lung damage, or tumors.

How do you take out sputum?

any medication for sputum?

Is sputum normally considered a high risk fluid for the transmission of blood borne pathogens?

Yes it is. The sputum comes from the lungs and is the best way (besides an ABG) to diagnose infection or some other underlying disease.

When a person suffers from night sweating night fever chest pain lost of weight frequent coughing and blood in the sputum what respiratory ailment is he suffering from?

The person who suffering in this ailment is called pulmonary tubercolosis

What is sputum mug?

A sputum mug is also known as a sputum cup. It is a cup usually made of paper or thin cardboard to receive and isolate the sputum of a patient with respiratory disease.

What is haemoptosis?

Hemoptysis or haemoptysis is the expectoration (coughing up) of blood or of blood-stained sputum from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs (e.g. in tuberculosis or other respiratory infections).

How does pulmonary TB present?

It usually presents with a cough , which may or may not produce sputum. In time, more sputum is produced that is streaked with blood. The cough may be present for weeks or months and may be accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath.