What is the employers (WestAmerica Bank) federal identification (EIN) number
Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity
Employer federal id number on your w2
EIN number is the federal employee number database. Every business has one as they are needed for tax purposes. The IRS website has a search to find the correct employer.
Also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), a federal tax ID number is used by many federal agencies involved in business regulation to identify a business.
The EIN (employer identification number), also called TIN (tax identification number), FEIN (Federal and EIN as above), or simply tax ID, for Erie Community College is 11-3682643. No results specifically for "EIN number" appeared.
An employer identification number is a specific number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to employers for federal tax reasons. An employer can get an EIN for free by applying online at the official website of the IRS, by calling the IRS or by mailing in a completed EIN application to the IRS.
The federal tax ID number for Blue Cross Blue Shield should be on your W2 form.
No. A D&B D-U-N-S® Number is an identification number issued by Dun & Bradstreet and a federal tax ID number or EIN is issued by the IRS.
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is used to identify a business entity. An EIN is also commonly referred to as a federal tax identification number or simply a tax ID. An EIN is used by most business entities as their Tax Identification Number (TIN). However individuals and sole proprietors may use their Social Security number for TIN purposes.
From all accounts and what I have read Using your EIN or federal tax ID number constitutes a federal Crime and is considered civil fraud by many states. This violation of law can bear fines and/or prison time. There are many scams on the internet that instruct people to use their EIN in place of their Social Security Number this is FRAUD, you can and likely will be prosecuted for defrauding the federal government. Being someone with bad credit myself I implore you to pay your bills and build your credit legitimately, don't get taken in by quick fix solutions that could leave you broke or imprisoned. THE ABOVE ANSWER IS NOT TRUE IF YOU ARE USING YOUR EIN LEGITIMATELY AS A BUSINESS. TO ESTABLISH CREDIT WITH YOUR NEW EIN TRY STAPLES AND DELL. THEY WILL USUALLY GIVE CREDIT TO NEW EIN'S.