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Une piscine is a swimming pool in English.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

La piscine means "The pool" in English. (As in swimming pool).

Allons à la piscine - "Let's go to the pool"

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βˆ™ 11y ago

La piscine (fem.) is the pool or swimming-pool in English.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

la natation - swimming

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Q: What is the Italian 'piscina' in English?
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What is 'la piscina' when translated from Italian to English?

"The swimming pool" is one English equivalent of the Italian phrase la piscina.Specifically, the feminine singular definite article lameans "the." The feminine noun piscina translates as "pool, swimming pool, tank." The pronunciation will be "la pea-SHEE-na" in Italian.

What is 'pool-deck' when translated from English to Italian?

Bordo piscina is an Italian equivalent of the English word "pool-deck." The masculine singular phrase, which translates literally as "border (of the) swimming pool," may be preceded immediately by the masculine singular il since Italian employs definite articles where English does not use "the." The pronunciation will be "(eel) BOR-do pee-SHEE-na" in Pisan Italian.

How do say going to the pool in Italian?

andare in piscina

What is 'Translate English into Italian' when translated from English to Italian?

"Translate English into Italian" in English is Traduca l'inglese in italiano in Italian.

What does la piscina mean?

la piscina mean the swimming pool

What is the latin word for pool?

The Latin word for the word pool is stagnum. The Italian word for pool is piscina, in Greek pisina, and in Danish it is said as pool.

What does piscina mean in spanish?

swimming pool = alberca (ahl-BER-kah). Some people use the word piscina, but piscina is more of a (fish) pond than a swimming pool.

What is 'not Italian' when translated from English to Italian?

"Not italian" in English is non italiano in Italian.

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"Queen" in English is regina in Italian.

What is 'have' when translated from English to Italian?

"To have" in English means avere in Italian.

How do you say Italian marica in English?

Italian marita(italian)=Italian marries(english)

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