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psari = In the Greek alphabet "ψαρι." In ancient Greek it was "ἰχθύς" (ichthus).

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δελφίνι delfini

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Dolphin = δελφίνι in Greek

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φάλαινα (fálaina)

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bar and far.

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Q: What is the greek word for fish?
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What is Greek for fish?

Psari (ψάρι)

Which Christian symbol is derived from the Greek word ichthyology?

The fish, though it's more correct to say that both the early Christian fish and the modern English word "ichthyology" are derived from the Greek word ikhthys (ΙΧΘΥΣ). The symbol is based on the fact that the Greek word for fish can be read as acronym for the Greek phrase Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υιός, Σωτήρ, meaning "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior".

What did the word dolphin originate from?

The name is originally from Greek δΡλφίς (delphΓ­s), "dolphin", which was related to the Greek δΡλφύς (delphus), "womb". The animal's name can therefore be interpreted as meaning "a 'fish' with a womb".

Greek word for fish?

ixthus- iota, chi, theta, upsilon, sigma

Which Greek God did the word Pisces come from?

None. It is the plural form of the Latin word piscis, a fish.

Why there name is dolphin?

Dolphin is derived from the the Greek word for dolphin, dolphis, which was derived from the Greek word for womb, delphus. The animals name can then be translated as meaning "fish with womb".

What branch of science does an ichthyologist study?

An ichthyologist studies fish. The word consists of two greek roots. Ikhthus is the greek root for 'fish' while logos means 'study'. Thus, ichthyology is the study of fish. An ichthyologist is a person who studies fish.

How do you use the word omega in a sentence?

Omega is a Greek letter.Omega oils are found in fish.

Why Icthyus in Christianity?

Icthyus is the Greek word for fish. It is spelled with the Greek letters Iota, Chi, Theta, Upsilon, and Sigma. Iota is the first letter in the Greek word Iesous, which means Jesus. Chi is the first letter in the Greek word Christos, which means Christ. Theta is the first letter in the Greek word Theou, which means God. Upsilon is the first letter in the Greek word Uios, which means Son. Sigma is the first letter in the Greek word Soter, which means Savior.

Who is Ichtys?

(Ikhthus) The classical Greek word for 'fish', which some feel was used as a secret symbol for Christianity, along with a picture of a fish, when they were being persecuted.

What language does the root ichthyo come from?

It's from ancient Greek. The root word is Ichthys- meaning fish.

What is the root word of the word dragon?

The root word of the word "dragon" comes from the Latin word "draconem," which is derived from the Greek word "drakon" meaning "serpent" or "giant sea fish."