Geography is derived from two Greek words namely GEO and GRAPHEIN and when combined is called GEOGRAPHIA which means to draw, write and describe the earth
The Greek word for writing about or describing the earth is "geography."
The ancient Greek mathematician Eratosthenes is called the "father of geography" for that reason.
Protozoa has two root words, proto which is Greek for "first" and zoa which is Greek for "animal".
The Greek scholar Eratosthenes is called The Father of Geography.
Words are made up of root words. Like the root word of runners is run. So the root word of zoology would be zoo. Zoology means a science or branch of biology that has to do with animals. Hope this helps :)
The root word for geographical is "geo," which comes from the Greek word meaning "Earth."
The Greek word for writing about or describing the earth is "geography."
The word "geography" comes from the Greek words "geo" meaning Earth and "graphia" meaning description.
The Greek root word for "out" is "ek" or "ex."
what is the greek root for homograph
The Greek root word for "stop" is "stasis."
The Greek root word of astronomy is "astron," which means star.
The Greek root word for earth is "geo."
Don is not a Greek root word.
The Greek root word of "astronomically" is "astron," which means star.
The Greek syllable 'phot-' is the root of the Greek noun phos. The root word 'phos' is Greek for 'light' in English. The root word copia is Latin for 'abundance' in English. The English derivative is 'copy'.
The root for nucleoid is nucleus, which is not, sadly, either a Greek word or root. The Greek root meaning irreducible or uncuttable is atomos, from which we get the word atom, atomic, etc.