The driving distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Augusta, Georgia is:547 miles / 880 km
12 miles
Columbia sx
The distance between Augusta, GA and Columbia, SC is 77 miles. To make the trip by car, you can drive either on the I-20 W or the SC-302. Taking the I-20 W, you can make the trip in 1 hour and 17 minutes.
143 miles across I-20.
The driving distance between Columbus GA and Augusta GA via I-20 is 250 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 3 hours and 49 minutes.
About 310 miles taking this route:Take I-95 SOUTH, from Wilson, to I-20 WEST to COLUMBIA off EXIT 160B in FLORENCE, SOUTH CAROLINA.Take I-20 WEST to Augusta.
457 miles
926 miles on the I-20
about 160 miles
Wilimiton nc
halfway point between atlanta GA and augusta Ga