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They lash their keeled tails. They also bite. And another defense mechanism, that really isn't actually intended, is that iguanas have salmonella. Salmonella is a disease that iguanas might carry.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Some lizards lose their tails when trying to escape from predators. Also, these tails convulse vigorously when they fall thus scaring off the predator. For a moment it seems like the tail is actually living.

Also they are exothermic so they can allocate their energy to other life processes besides trying to stay warm or cool off.

Scales prevent burning.

There is a type of lizard that can run on water for short distances because of the type of scales on their feet and their speed.

Some have the ability to camouflage.

Some lizards have a physical adaptation of being see-through.

Also, they can survive in habitats with extremely hot temperatures like deserts. they escape the heat by burying themselves inside the sand.

Check out the link for detailed explanations for desert adaptations.

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10y ago

That depends on the lizard. Most of them run from danger. They might bite if they are caught or cornered. Many lizards can drop their tail if needed to escape or distract a predator that has captured them. One lizard, the Texas horned lizard, can squirt foul tasting blood from its eyes at predators, which confuses and repels predators.

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14y ago

They drop their tails, which wiggle a little to get the predator's attention away when the lizard escapes. After a few months, it grows back

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11y ago

Some by poison, thorns or sharp needles, or blood coming out from their eyes like one crazy lizard does! Check it out!

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11y ago

they eats fishys!

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Q: What is the defense mechanism for the leopard frog?
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Yes, leopard geckos' tails can fall off easily as a defense mechanism called autotomy.

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The scientific name of a leopard frog is Rana pipiens

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Northern Leopard Frog was created in 1782.

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Southern Leopard Frog was created in 1886.

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Plains Leopard Frog was created in 1973.

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I did and they were fine. If the Leopard frog is very large and the tree frog is very small you have the chance of losing your tree frog.

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A leopard frog (sometimes called a meadow frog) is not something you play with (as you might with a dog) - so I would say no.

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its a frog

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Leopard geckos may drop their tails due to stress, fear, or feeling threatened. This natural defense mechanism, known as autotomy, allows them to escape from predators.