The Ram, referring to the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep.
Cam the Ram is the mascot for Colorado State University. The school's colors are green and gold.
The CU mascot is the Buffalo, species "Bison".
Elizabeth City State University's Mascot is the Vikings !
The athletic mascot for South Dakota State University is the Jackrabbit.
The mascot is a beaver!
Kentucky State mascot is the Thorough-breed
Colorado State University is in Fort Collins, Colorado.
University of Maine, Missouri State University, Baylor University, Brown University, University of Northern Colorado, University of Montana, University of California, Cornell University.
The mascot for Ohio University is a bobcat, he is known by his name which is Rufus.
Benny the Bengal is the mascot for Idaho State University.
The Ohio State University mascot is Brutus Buckeye.