To make more money
A hostile takeover of a business happens when one person or another business buys up over 50% of the stock a company has to sell. Hostile takeovers sometimes happen when a business is financially in trouble and will not sell the business to someone else.
a takeover is when someone takes control of another business, 'takes over the business' by buying enough shares (over 50%). only the strong companies survive, thus takeover helps to evolve. saving resources and cutting cost. increase market share. also helps to expend overseas market if it is an international takeover.
Reorganization Liquidation Merger Takeover Buyout
In business, a takeover is the purchase of one company (the target) by another.
the disadvantages of a takeover are if the business doesn't have a good reputation, it gets blamed on the new owners of the business.
To make more money
A hostile takeover of a business happens when one person or another business buys up over 50% of the stock a company has to sell. Hostile takeovers sometimes happen when a business is financially in trouble and will not sell the business to someone else.
a takeover is when someone takes control of another business, 'takes over the business' by buying enough shares (over 50%). only the strong companies survive, thus takeover helps to evolve. saving resources and cutting cost. increase market share. also helps to expend overseas market if it is an international takeover.
Hostile takeover is that kind of corporate overtaking which is against the wishes of the owners of business or usually against the will of management of target company.
Reorganization Liquidation Merger Takeover Buyout
The originally answer said, "Coup d'etat or simply coup." This seems to consider only the political arena (or something analogous to such a political takeover). I would add "Offre publique d'achat (OPA)" for the realm of business. An "OPA hostile" is a hostile takeover of another business.
In business, a takeover is the purchase of one company (the target) by another.
Merger or takeover helps an ailing organisation to come out of the impasse. Merger or takeover with an organisation with sound healps helps the ailing firm with adequate capital outflow required for dailing running of business.
There are several advantages when a takeover happens within a business. The best thing is that essentially, a new pair of eyes are coming in to look at things and the company might improve.
There are various defensive tactics that firm can use to resist hostile takeover attempts. Some of them include acquisitions and merger which helps in reinforcing the firm and eventually prevents hostile takeover attempts.
a takeover is when one business buys another business. e.g midland bank was taken over by HSBC bank.