System bus speed in microprocessors is the speed at which a processor sends/receives data from the motherboard's memory controller. It is also called the Front Side Bus (FSB) speed in the case of Intel CPUs.
front side Bus...(FSB) or System Bus
System bus, memory bus, front side bus (FSB), host bus, local bus, or external bus.
System bus, memory bus, front side bus (FSB), host bus, local bus, or external bus.
A Intel system bus is a single computer bus that connects the components of a major computer system. The system bus also referred to as crossbar switch.
The bus between the CPU and memory on the motherboard. Also called the memory bus, front-side bus, local bus, or host bus.
System Management Bus was created in 1995.
Two other names for the system bus are: the front side bus and the memory bus.Answer; The PCI bus, and the PCI express bus
The bus that connects the CPU to main memory on the motherboard. I/O buses, which connect the CPU with the systems other components, branch off of the system bus."The system bus is called the frontside bus, memory bus, local bus, or host bus."See the Related Links below.
Another name for a local bus is called a system bus. A local bus or system bus typically travels the day route day in and day out.
Bus Clock is based on the System Clock. In other terms Bus Clock is derived from system Clock. Bus Clock is usually half System Clock. (Busy Clock = System Clock / 2)
A data bus system is a way that mass amounts of information can be transferred to a location. The bus address is the location that this information arrives at.
Yes. Phoenix has a bus system and light rail. Tucson has a bus system. I don't know if Flagstaff or Yuma have bus systems.